Jorge se toca la oreja.
Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 18 (Jorge touches the ear.)
ear infection - infección del oido
Papá: Hoy traigo a Jorge, porque no para de tocarse la oreja.
(Today, I bring Jorge, because he does not stop touching his ear.) Note: The letter "a" precedes the direct object sometimes; in this case, because it is a person. Also note the common construct in Spanish of using the reflexive form of the verb with "se," or literally, "touching himself the ear."
Doctor: Déjeme verlo. ¿Ha tenido fiebre?
(Let me see him. Has he had a fever?) Note: "Déjeme" is the imperative form of the verb in the polite manner. "Usted déjeme."
Papá: Sí, en dos ocasiones. Además, gime y se toca la oreja todo el tiempo. ¿Es algo serio?
(Yes, on two occasions. He also moans and touches the ear all the time. Is it something serious?)
Doctor: Enfermera, ayúdeme con el niño, lo voy a examinar. Es muy fuerte y se mueve mucho.
(Nurse, help me with the boy. I am going to examine him. He is very strong and moves a lot.)
Enfermera: Sí doctor, enseguida. ¿Papá, puede sostenerle las manos?
(Yes, doctor, right away. Dad, can you hold his hands?) Note: Here, literally it says, "can you hold him the hands?" The word "le" is the indirect object, meaning "him."
Doctor: Él tiene una infección del oído medio. Le indicaremos tratamiento con antibiótico.
(He has a middle ear infection. We will prescribe an antibiotic for him. Literally, "prescribe for him treatment with antibiotic.")
Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.
Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.