

When talking to a Spanish-speaking person, it is sometimes possible to guess where they are from by listening to how they speak. In the following examples, I will say some healthcare phrases with a bit of an accent to sound like my friends from each of the following countries.


Venezuela: - Bienvenida a la clínica, señora. ¿Y dígame, qué es lo que le trae por aquí?. ¿A cuál de los niños vamos a revisar hoy?

(Welcome to the clinic, ma'am. And tell me, what is it that brings you here? Which of the kids are we going to evaluate today? )

Colombia: - ¡Ay doctor!, es que tengo un dolor en la espalda. Parece que tengo una aguja clavada aquí atrás. Además, es como si estoy botando sangre por la orina.

(Oh doctor! It is that I have pain in the back. It seems that I have a needle nailed here behind me. Even more, it is as if I am spilling blood through the urine.)

México: - La ambulancia ya está en camino. Pienso que todo empezó así no más, con un fuego muy grande. Algunos inhalaron humo. No sé cuántos heridos hay.

(The ambulance is already on the way. I think that everything began just like that, with a very big fire. Some people inhaled smoke. I don't know how many wounded there are.)

Argentina: - Es la hora de la terapia física. El equipo de fútbol americano necesita ayuda para reparar hombros, rodillas, tobillos, y hasta dedos.

(It is time for physical therapy. The football team needs help to repair shoulders, knees, ankles, and even fingers.)

Spain: - En la escuela de medicina, los estudiantes se aplican con esfuerzo. Ellos saben que en el trabajo, hay miles de situaciones y que cada segundo de aprendizaje es importante.

(In medical school, the students apply themselves with effort. They know that on the job, there are thousands of situations and that each second of learning is important.)

Cuba: - Pero mire, mi hermana, ¿por qué no le pone la vacuna ahorita?, si no, después mi hijo se va a enfermar.

(But look, sister, why don't you give him the vaccine right now? If not, afterwords, my son is going to become sick.)



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