Lisandro tiene la mitad del cuerpo paralizado.
Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 54 (Lisandro has half the body paralized.)
transient ischemic attack - accidente isquémico transitorio
Esposa: Por favor, ¡ayúdenme! Mi esposo no puede ni hablar ni caminar.
(Please help me! My husband can neither speak nor walk.)
Doctor: ¿Pero desde cuándo está así?
(How long has he been like that? [Literally, "But since when is he like that?"])
Esposa: ¡Hace pocos minutos! Cuando estábamos en el carro me dijo que se sentía un poco mareado, empezó a hablar con dificultad, y ahora no puede mover un lado del cuerpo.
(A few minutes ago! When we were in the car, he said to me that he was feeling a bit dizzy, he began to speak with difficulty, and now he can't move one side of his body.) Note: Literally, it says, "it makes a few minutes." Note also the use of the imperfect verb tense with "estábamos," and "sentía."
Doctor: ¿Tiene antecedentes de enfermedades?
(Has he had medical problems before? [Literally, "Does he have a history of illnesses?"])
Esposa: No, siempre ha sido sano. Hace una semana, su doctor le encontró el colesterol muy elevado, y le indicó tratamiento.
(No, he has always been healthy. A week ago, his doctor diagnosed him with high cholesterol and prescribed medicine. [Literally "found to him the cholesterol very elevated and he prescribed for him treatment."])
Doctor: En este momento los valores de la tensión estan ligeramente elevados, y por los síntomas que presenta, perece tener un accidente cerebro vascular.
(At this moment his blood pressure is a little high, [the values of the pressure are lightly elevated], and his symptoms suggest a stroke. [by the symptoms that he presents, he seems to have a cerebral vascular accident.])
Esposa: ¿Va a quedar paralizado? ¿Va a necesitar una silla de ruedas?
(Is he going to be [remain] paralized? Is he going to need a wheelchair?)
Doctor: Le pediremos una tomografía de cráneo, para ver si hay algún tipo de lesión. Dependiendo de esto, sabremos si habrá secuelas. Le daremos tratamiento preventivo con anticoagulantes.
(We will order a head CT scan [request a craneal tomography] to see if there is some type of lesion. Depending on this, we will know if there will be sequelae. We will give him preventative treatment with anticoagulants.)
Esposa: Doctor, mire. Ya parece estar mejorando. Está recuperando el habla, y empezó a mover el brazo y la pierna.
(Doctor, look. Now he seems to be improving. His speech came back and he is starting to move his arm and leg. [He is recuperating the speech, and he began to move the arm and the leg.])
Doctor: Sí, la tomografía muestra que fue un ataque isquémico transitorio, por un probable flujo vascular anormal.
(Yes, the CT scan [tomography] shows that it was a transient ischemic attack, probably due to abnormal blood flow. [vascular flow.])
Esposa: ¿Entonces ya nos podemos ir?
(Then we can go now?)
Doctor: No. Primero indicaremos una arteriografía por resonancia magnética para estudiar los vasos cerebrales, y estimar si hay algún grado importante de estenosis. De eso dependerá su tratamiento y seguimiento posteriores.
(No. First we will order an MRA [a magnetic resonance angiography] to study the cerebral vessels, and to estimate if there is any significant stenosis [important grade of stenosis]. That will determine [on that will depend] his treatment and subsequent follow-up.)
Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.
Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.