
Alberto se rasca de noche.

Medical Spanish for healthcare providers: dialogue 53 (Albert scratches himself at night.)

pinworms - oxiuro

Papá: Doctor, necesito que lo ayude.

(Doctor, I need yout to help him [that you help him].)

Doctor: Sí, dígame, ¿qué es lo que sucede?

(Yes, tell me, what is going on?) Note: Literally, it says "what is it (the thing) that happens?"

Papá: Ay doctor, es que desde hace tres días el niño tiene picazón en el trasero, y no para de rascarse. Anoche no pudo dormir.

(Oh, doctor, it's that for the past three days ago the boy has had a very itchy butt [has itching in the butt], and he does not stop scratching himself. Last night he could not sleep.)

Doctor: ¿Y la picazón es todo el día?

(And the itch is all day?)

Papá: Generalmente la tiene en las noches, y en la mañana muy temprano. Luego desaparece durante el día.

(He generally has it at night [in the nights], and very early in the morning. It disappears later during the day.)

Doctor: Déjeme examinarle. Sí, la zona está bastante irritada. Existen pequeñísimos parásitos, llamados oxiuros, que producen estos síntomas. Esta noche véale el ano de cerca, y traiga al niño en la mañana sin lavarle la zona.

(Let me examine him. Yes, the area is quite irritated. Tiny parasites exist, called pinworms, that produce these symptoms. Tonight, look at his anus closely, and bring the boy in the morning without washing the area.)

Early the next morning...

Papá: Doctor, vimos unos gusanos muy pequeñitos moviéndose alrededor del ano, exactamente como Ud. nos dijo.

(Doctor, we saw some very small worms moving around the anus, exactly as you told us.)

Doctor: Sí, veamos si podemos ver los huevos. A diferencia de los gusanos adultos, los huevos son demasiado pequeños para verlos a simple vista, pero con cinta adhesiva es fácil recolectarlos para observarlos con el microscopio.

(Yes, let's see if we can see the eggs. In contrast to the adult worms, the eggs are too small to see with the naked eye, but with adhesive tape it is easy to collect them, to observe them with the microscope.)



Papá: ¿Pero por qué tiene tanta picazón de noche?

(But why does he have so much itching at night?)

Doctor: Es porque estos parásitos depositan sus huevos en las afueras del ano durante la noche. Le indicaré una tableta masticable que sólo deberá tomar una vez. Debe lavarle toda la ropa, incluyendo las sábanas.

(It's because these parasites deposit their eggs on the periphery of the anus during the night. I will prescribe him a chewable tablet that he will only have to take once. You must wash all of his clothes, including the sheets.)


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Aviso: Esta página no es para proveer consejos médicos o información médica, sino sólo para ayudar a las personas a comunicarse en español. Si tiene algún problema de salud, consulte a su médico.

Notice: This page is not for providing medical advice or medical information, but only for helping people to communicate in Spanish. If you have a health problem, consult your doctor.